If you have come here or stumbled upon my website, you have undoubtedly arrived to a website that will be jammed pack with over 20 years of genealogical research on my family history.

Where do you start? With yourself of course! My name is Michelle Reed.

Michelle Reed
Founder & Owner

Starting with my own family tree, I have 20+ years of research and reconnecting families on my resume.

In my professional life, I am a Graphic Designer, Website Developer, and Digital Marketing Specialist. In my personal life, I assist individuals who are seeking their own families, mostly Amerasians and Adoptees. For more info on this subject, please visit my Warbabies website at warbabies.org.

I have a blended family with an adult son and 3 siblings (all sharing the same father, but with different mothers). My family is primarily from both Kentucky and Michigan.

Please spend some time looking around the website, especially if you are kin to me! If there is ever any incorrect information, I would appreciate you contacting me at rootseeker74@gmail.com. I am more than happy to update any information that I have to make sure it is the most accurate as possible.

Thanks for stopping by!